YAPC::Russia 2009 “May Perl — 2”

YAPC::Russia 2009 “May Perl — 2” is the second Russian Perl conference which took place on May 16 and 17, 2009 in Moscow.

Name “May Perl” is a play of words and not only means that the workshop will be in May but also the Theme of it. Main goal of the conference is to collect talks about what Perl may be used for and where it may be used in.

Venue for «May Perl» was provided by State University—High School of Economics, address is  1st Kirpichny pereulok, 5.

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«Заметная активность пусть и не очень большого российского Perl-сообщества позволяет однозначно говорить о том, что, несмотря на печальные настроения, наблюдаемые у многих представителей ИТ-индустрии, язык жив и готов к дальнейшим свершениям».
44-й выпуск «Open Source»

Venue sponsor

Business in .RU-style” is a non-commercial club that hosts some events for those who is involved in Russian Internet.


YAPC::Europe Foundation is a non-profit organization which works to promote Perl in Europe primarily through public events.
Best Practical Solutions LLC are the creators of RT: Request Tracker, the leading open-source issue tracking system.
РЕГ.РУ — регистрация доменов и хостинг. Каждый третий домен в России регистрируется через reg.ru.


One of the leading Russian resource on Free Software / Open Source, GNU / Linux and other UNIX-like systems. Is known as a source of latest information both for professionals and beginners.

If your company loves Perl, please become our sponsor. White to mail@yapcrussia.org for further information.







Корпорация РБС — поисковая оптимизация и продвижение сайтов, контекстная реклама, оценка качества создания сайтов и эффективности интернет-рекламы.