Inside A Compiler
Автор: Jonathan Worthington Дата: суббота, 14 мая 2011 г. 14:00
Длительность: 60 минут Целевая аудитория: Продвинутый Язык: English Теги: compilers grammars nqp Grammars! Abstract syntax trees! Bootstrapping! Static analysis! Backends! The world of compilers is full of its own terminology. From the outside, compiler writing can look like a mysterious dark art. However, at heart, a compiler's job is simple: take some program source code as input, and produce some lower-level code than can be executed by a virtual machine or the CPU.
In this talk we'll build our own compiler for a tiny language, using the NQP (Not Quite Perl) language - a subset of Perl 6 aimed at compiler development. We'll start off by implementing a few basic language features: string literals, built-ins, operators and variables.
With the basics in place, we'll then move on to look at how object oriented language features are implemented. Using the 6model meta-object framework, we'll make a very basic - but working - implementation of classes.
You'll leave the talk with a sense that maybe compilers aren't so mysterious after all - and maybe with a little spark of enthusiasm to create a little - or large - language of your own. Собираются посетить: Валерий Студенников (despair), Александр Загацкий (zag), Алексей Суриков, Павел Щербинин (Dzirtik), Александр Воронов (koban), Алексей Орлов, Dmitry Kasimovsky, Александр Гнатына (Smoker), Анастасия Пересторонина, Вячеслав Пересторонин, Vlad Zaritovsky, Ivan Epifanov (iSage), Anton Konovalov, Кирилл Лебедев, Слава Баринов, Ilya Bakulin (Kibab), Alexander Averyanov, Елена Большакова (helena), |
Место проведения
«Цифровой октябрь»,
Москва, Берсеневская набережная, 6. Организаторы